
GAFOH - Sri lanka

OUR vision

Our vision is to create a promising future for all communities irrespective of age, ethnicity, caste, creed, or religious beliefs, or without considering sexual orientation or civil status of an individual where he or she has the opportunity to unlock their full potential and build a successful and fulfilling life through our sustained commitment to quality and equity.

Our Mission

Maintaining our beauty fosters environmental and community stewardship through education, health, food service, and advocacy.


As Sri Lanka is looking for economic revitalization, we aim to be involved in any activity supporting economic revivification through engagement and mentoring.


The Global Alliance for Food and One Health (GAFOH - Sri Lanka)  is a

non-profit, nongovernment organization initiative focused on integrating and advancing the principles of "One Health" within the context of

global food systems.

"One Health" emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, recognizing that the health of each is interconnected

and dependent on the others.

We unite experts and stakeholders worldwide to address the interconnected challenges of food security, health, and environmental sustainability.


  • Strengthening  Community-Based Volunteerism.
  • Provide technical consultations about One Health and Popularize the One Health concept.
  • Provide better guidance and mentoring towards family food security for vulnerable communities. 
  • Help communities  to organize startup businesses and link them with international Markets.
  • Dealing with geriatrics.
  • Educational consultations, Event planning. 
  • Project Management.
  • Mentoring and Support Services for disabled communities.


Efforts and investments lined up with this global strategic goal aim to build individual health archives through sustainable agriculture.


Sustainable agriculture refers to farming practices and methods that aim to produce food and fiber in a way that is environmentally responsible, economically viable, and socially equitable over the long term. It encompasses a range of practices and principles designed to minimize the environmental impact of agriculture while maintaining or increasing productivity.

Key principles and practices of sustainable agriculture include:

  1. Crop Rotation and Diversification:
  2. Conservation Tillage
  3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  4. Water Management
  5. Agroforestry and Mixed Farming Systems
  6. Soil Health Improvement
  7. Animal Welfare and Livestock Management
  8. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  9. Community and Social Equity
  10. Certification and Standards

Overall, sustainable agriculture seeks to balance the needs of food production with environmental stewardship and social responsibility. It promotes resilience in agricultural systems, enhances ecosystem health, and contributes to long-term food security and sustainability.



The concept of "Food and One Health" emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Here’s how it relates to several key aspects:

Nutrition and Health

Proper nutrition is crucial for both human and animal health. The quality and safety of food directly impact the well-being of individuals and populations. A balanced diet supports immune function, growth, and overall health.

Food Safety and Security

Ensuring food safety involves preventing contamination and diseases that can affect humans and animals alike. This includes proper handling, storage, and distribution practices to minimize health risks.

Environmental Impact

Agriculture and food production have significant environmental consequences, affecting ecosystems, water quality, and biodiversity. Sustainable practices are essential to mitigate these impacts and promote long-term environmental health.

Zoonotic Diseases

Many infectious diseases can spread between animals and humans. Understanding these interactions is critical for disease prevention and control. Examples include avian influenza and COVID-19, which highlight the importance of monitoring and managing these risks.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents in both human medicine and agriculture contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistance. This poses a threat to human and animal health, requiring coordinated efforts to promote responsible use and stewardship.

Global Health Security

Challenges such as pandemics and foodborne outbreaks underscore the interconnected nature of global health. Collaboration between sectors (human health, animal health, agriculture, environment) is essential to address emerging threats and promote resilience.

Policy and Governance

Effective policies and regulations are necessary to ensure food safety, promote sustainable agriculture, and protect public health. Multidisciplinary approaches that consider One Health principles are increasingly recognized as essential for informed decision-making.

In summary, "Food and One Health" emphasizes the holistic approach needed to address the complex interactions between food production, health, and the environment. By promoting collaboration across disciplines and sectors, we can strive for healthier populations, safer food systems, and a sustainable future.



We are here to share our knowledge and experience with you. Demonstrations and training sessions can be arranged.

Make an appointment

Our Timetable

9- 11am / 1 - 3pm
10- 12am / 2 - 4pm
8.30 - 1pm / 2 - 4pm
8.30- 1pm /  1 - 4pm
9.30 - 11am / 1 - 3pm

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